We investigate the finitary functions from a finite product of finite fields m j=1 Fq j = K to a finite product of finite fields n i=1 Fp i = F, where p 1 , . . . , pn, q 1 , . . . , qm are powers of different primes. An (F, K)-linearly closed clonoid is a subset of these functions which is closed under composition from the right and from the left with linear mappings.We give a characterization of these subsets of functions through the invariant subspaces of the vector spaces F m j=1 Fq j p i with respect to a certain set of linear transformations. Furthermore we prove that each of these subsets of functions is generated by a set of unary functions and we provide an upper bound for the number of distinct (F, K)-linearly closed clonoid.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 08A40.