An efficient computational capability for nonequilibrium radiation simulation via the ray tracing technique has been accomplished. The radiative rate equation is fully coupled with the aerodynamic conservation laws including chemical and chemical-physical kinetic models. The interdisciplinary governing equations are solved by an implicit delta formulation with the diminishing residual approach. The axisymmetric radiating flowfield over the reentry RAM-CII probe is simulated and verified with flight data and previous solutions by traditional methods. A oneorder-of-magnitude computational efficiency improvement is derived from a space partition algorithm of the nearest neighbor search procedure for optical data interpolation from the nonequilibrium flowfield, and by local resolution refinement through the Gauss-Lobatto polynomial. Specifically, a computational efficiency improvement more than forty times is realized over that of existing simulation procedure. Nomenclature , , v i i c e Specific heat capacity at constant volume and internal energy, J/(mol•K), J/mol , vm e Specific vibrational energy of m mode, J/kg F,G,H Flux vector functions , b J r Black body spectral intensity (Planck function), J/(s•cm -1 •cm 2 •sr) , J r Spectral intensity of heat radiation, J/(s•cm -1 •cm 2 •sr) Q r Spectral emission source, J/(s•cm -1 •cm 3 •sr) i L Cardinal function of Gauss quadrature, eq. (2-2) i M Molecular weight (kg Mole) , ij Q Internal energy source transfer, J/(s•cm 3 ) r q Radiative heat transfer rate J/(s•cm 2 ) , p Pressure and density, J/m 3 , kg/m 3 t Time, s T Translational temperature, K ( , , ) u u v w Velocity, m/s U Conservative dependent variables, ( , , ) ue