Narrow-gap semiconductors with a large g-factor and low carrier density (such as InAs and InSb) are most commonly used, either as 1D nanowires [3] or 2D electron gases. [4] The first generation of semiconductor-superconductor hybrids was made using Nb [5] and NbTiN [6] as the superconductor. While these materials offer a large superconducting gap and resilience to high magnetic fields, the hybrids suffered from a finite in-gap conductance (often described as "soft-gap"). In addition, Nb-based hybrids have not been shown to host parity-conserving transport-a key ingredient for the development of topological qubits. [7] These drawbacks remained even after substantial improvements of the fabrication, such as epitaxial growth of the superconductor. [8] In the meantime, aluminum has emerged as the material of choice. Thin shells made of this metal combined with an oxide-free interface result in clean electronic transport. [9,10] This includes suppressed sub-gap tunneling conductance (hard induced gap) and parity-conserving transport, [11] which enables the search for topological superconductivity. For a topological phase to emerge, the minimal condition states that the Zeeman energy V g B Z B