Let R be a ring and S be a class of strongly finitely presented (FP ∞ ) R-modules closed under extensions, direct summands, and syzygies. Let (A, B) be the (hereditary complete) cotorsion pair generated by S in Mod-R, and let (C, D) be the (also hereditary complete) cotorsion pair in which C = lim − → A = lim − → S. We show that any A-periodic module in C belongs to A, and any D-periodic module in B belongs to D. Further generalizations of both results are obtained, so that we get a common generalization of the flat/projective and fp-projective periodicity theorems, as well as a common generalization of the fp-injective/injective and cotorsion periodicity theorems. Both are applicable to modules over an arbitrary ring, and in fact, to Grothendieck categories.
1(3) if the exact sequence ( * ) is pure and the R-module L is pure-injective, then the R-module M is pure-injective ( Št'ovíček 2014 [44]); (4) in particular, if the R-module M is fp-injective and the R-module L is injective, then the R-module M is injective; (5) if the R-module L is cotorsion, then the R-module M is cotorsion (Bazzoni, Cortés-Izurdiaga, and Estrada 2017 [4]); (6) if the ring R is right coherent and the right R-module L is fp-projective, then the R-module M is fp-projective ( Šaroch and Št'ovíček 2018 [37]); (7) over any ring R, if the R-module L is fp-projective, then the R-module M is weakly fp-projective (Bazzoni, Hrbek, and the present author 2022 [5]). Periodicity phenomena are linked to behavior of the modules of cocycles in acyclic complexes. This means that the assertions (1-7) can be restated as follows:(1 c ) in any acyclic complex of projective modules with flat modules of cocycles, the modules of cocycles are actually projective (so the complex is contactible); (2 c ) in any pure acyclic complex of pure-projective modules, the modules of cocycles are pure-projective (so the complex is contractible); (3 c ) in any pure acyclic complex of pure-injective modules, the modules of cocycles are pure-injective (so the complex is contractible); (4 c ) in any acyclic complex of injective modules with fp-injective modules of cocycles, the modules of cocycles are actually injective (so the complex is contractible); (5 c ) in any acyclic complex of cotorsion modules, the modules of cocycles are cotorsion; (6 c ) in any acyclic complex of fp-projective right modules over a right coherent ring, the modules of cocycles are fp-projective; (7 c ) in any acyclic complex of fp-projective modules (over any ring), the modules of cocycles are weakly fp-projective. We refer to the introduction to the preprint [5] for a more detailed discussion of the periodicity theorems (1-7) and (1 c -7 c ). 0.1. The aim of this paper is to obtain a common generalization of ( 1) and (6-7), and also a common generalization of ( 4) and ( 5), in the context of a chosen class of modules or objects in a Grothendieck category. Let us start with presenting the most symmetric and nicely looking formulation of a special case of our main results, and then proceed to further g...