Apparel is one of the largest market segments in terms of the size of its economy such as employment, investment and revenues in global industry. The volume of the apparel market in US is continuously growing up to $390 billion in 2025 Statistic Research Department [1]. The annual growth rate of apparel market is 2% from 2015. The average spending on clothing in US adults was $161.00 per month. Depending on the household income and family size, consumers show different spending patterns on clothing. The average budget for clothing in household is around 4% of income after tax. As one of the fast-growing market segments, apparel products become very promising ones with higher purchasing power in the future. The target consumers in apparel market are continuously shifting in diversity, such as age, gender, and ethnicity. The African Americans are the second largest minority population (more than 13%) in the US. The purchasing and market power of African Americans in US is greatly increasing with their higher education and income [2]. In shopping habits, the African Americans highly spend their money on clothing, which was one of top expenditure items. According to the market research, the African Americans annually spend around $26 billion for their apparel purchase in 2017 Research and Markets [3]. Hence, the apparel market for the African Americans in the US can be one of the great potential business areas. Such growing apparel market for African American more and more demands empirical research on their apparel shopping behaviors.