Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications consist of resource constrained interconnected devices that make them vulnerable to data leak and integrity violation challenges. The mobility, dynamism, and complex structure of the network further make this issue more challenging. To control the information flow in such environments, access control is critical to make collaboration and communication safe. To deal with these challenges, recent studies employ attribute-based access control on top of blockchain technology. However, the attribute-based access control frameworks suffer due to high computational overhead. In this paper, we propose an improved role-based access control framework using hyperledger blockchain to deal with IIoT requirements with less computational overhead making the information control process more efficient and real-time. The proposed framework leverages a layered architecture of chaincodes to implement the improved access control framework that handles the permission delegation and conflict management to deal with the dynamism of the IIoT network. The system uses a Policy Contract, Device Contract, and Access Contract to manage the workflow of the whole access control process. Each chaincode in the proposed framework is isolated in terms of its responsibilities to make the design low coupled. The integration of improved access control with blockchain enables the proposed framework to provide a highly scalable solution, tamper-proof, and flexible to manage conflicting scenarios. The proposed system outperforms the recent studies significantly in computational overhead in extensive simulation results. To verify the scalability and efficiency, the proposed is evaluated against a large number of concurrent virtual clients in simulation and statistical analysis proves that the proposed system is promising for further research in this domain.