The chemical removal of SO 2 in the presence of different aerosol systems has been investigated in laboratory experiments using a dynamic flow reactor. The aerosols consisted of wetted particles containing one of the following substances: MnC12, Mn(NO3)2, MnSO4, CuCI2, Cu(NO3)2, CuSO4, FeC13, NaCI. The SO2 removal rate R was measured as a function of the SO2 gas phase concentration (SO 2)g, the spatial metal concentration CMe , and the relative humidity rH in the reactor. A first-order dependence with regard to (SO 2)g was observed for each type of aerosol. For the Mn(II) and Cu(II) aerosols R was found to be a non-linear function of CMe except for MnSO a and Cu(NO 3)2 particles. The removal rate showed a significant increase with the relative humidity particularly when rH was close to the deliquescence point of the wetted particles. Among the Mn(II) and Cu(II) aerosols investigated Mn(NO3) 2 was found to be most efficient for the chemical removal of SO 2 at atmospheric background conditions, especially in haze and fog droplets. The results further indicate that the catalytic oxidation of S(IV) in such aerosol systems may be as efficient as its oxidation by H20 2 in cloud water.