Cloud computing (CC) is the expertise over which every person is capable of sharing the reserves, amenities, and evidence amongst the individuals as a result of harnessing the internet in link. Subsequently, protection is a key concern on the facts pooled by means of the internet. In CC a numerous security issues prone to occur that includes confidentiality, integrity, authentication and/or thin well-honed edit control (TWHEC). In this research an innovative security replica has been aforethought. The design stipulates an approach across which secure communication besides data hiding from unauthorized punters can be got hold of. The security resolved with all categories of CC aspects similar to Platform as a Service (aaS), and Process aaS (PaaS), Software aaS, Storage aaS and Security aaS (SaaS), Network aaS (NaaS), Functions aaS (FaaS), Infrastructure aaS, Information aaS, and Integration aaS (IaaS), Database aaS (DBaaS), Application as a Service aaS and API aaS (AaaS), Management aaS (MaaS), Testing aaS (TaaS), etc., This anticipated system yield thin well-honed, mutable and ascendable statistics editing control by means of the manipulation of complex traits of Hierarchical (Ranked/Ordered) attribute-set-based encryption (HASBE). This multifarious qualities of blend of HASBE and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm too. For instance, cyber individual healthiness record (IHR) aids sick persons to deal with his/her personal medicinal archives into a unified means that is to a great extent vital in storing, editing and partaking of the individual healthiness data. Further down encryption, it is impeding in accomplishing the TWHEC to CIHR data in an ascendable and effectual technique by using HASBE. Prevailing RSA encryption does not endow the data with high security in health. To fulfill ascendable, elastic, and thin well-honed edit control of subcontracted statistics in cloud. In this archetypal instigated a mish-mash RSA encryption with HASBE. Cyber IHR dispenses with patients to get along medical archives in a secure way, in which very significant concerns are the storing, access and distribution of individual wellness information. This composite process is responsible for three mode precautions, i.e. data precautions, certification and corroboration. In this report, the HASBE encryption algorithm has been put forward in realizing TWHEC to IHR data in an ascendable and effectual way