This study investigates the background rotational influences on the secondary eyewall formation (SEF) in tropical cyclones (TCs) in quiescent f‐plane environments. For given initial structures, simulated vortices tend to experience earlier SEF at lower latitudes. Yet the size of the secondary eyewall does not change monotonically with the latitudes. Specifically, ∼20°N provides the optimal amount of background rotation for the largest secondary eyewall size without considering other environmental forcings. Different background rotation rates affect SEF mainly by modulating the outer‐core convection as well as the wind structures. Specifically, the lower rotation rate causes more outer‐core surface fluxes, thus facilitating the outer rainbands (ORBs) at larger radii. Yet the secondary eyewall does not necessarily form at larger radii at lower latitudes since the transition from the ORBs to secondary eyewall is localized in a region of boundary layer (BL) convergence preceded by accelerated tangential winds. Budget analysis reveals that the differences in the acceleration of outer‐core tangential winds among vortices at different latitudes are dominated by the radial flux of absolute vorticity. Due to the non‐uniform influences of background rotation on the BL inflow and absolute vorticity, the most efficient spin‐up of outer‐core tangential winds is achieved at a medium latitude of 20°N, which leads up to SEF at the largest radii. By comparison, for TCs at lower (higher) latitudes, the lower outer‐core absolute vorticity (radial inflow) limits the acceleration of outer‐core tangential winds, thus placing SEF at smaller radii.