“…Overviews Advantages Techniques Years [29] To tackle the problems of computation efficiency and weak data security, ABDS scheme is proposed in cloud computing; the users are enabled in this approach to check the cost of the ciphertext in online/ offline encryption mode before going to expensive full decryption e users can get online and offline encryption with minimum cost and time; the proposed work gives strong security to weak data e ABE, attribute-based data sharing (ABDS), chameleon hash function, and online/offline ciphertexts 2018 [30] e framework used two types of CSPs to secure the cloud data while sharing the data and passes through several stages; the main focus is to provide security to the big data system e model highly provides security to cloud data services such as storage, networking, data management, access control, and infrastructure security Bonitasoft, business process management, CSP-1, and CSP-2 2016 [31] To tackle the NP-hard problem, a series of MHAs, characteristics with a simple structure, fast confluent, and energy have been proposed; the MOO problem solved in terms of reliability, make span, and time e proposed CAS solved the problems of the salesman, economic dispatch, and fuzzy system identification; the ACO finds the optimal path in a graph investigating the behavior of an ant colony, make span and flow time analyze the reliability factor e ACO, chaos factor, make span, time flow, and GA-CAS 2016 [32] e proposed work highly secures the cloud data; in this work, the data is split and then distributed by different cloud servers; the paper tries to resolve the abuse issue; the direct access of the cloud to the user's original data is prevented e experiment proves the proposed work efficiently performs this task by consuming less time as compared to AES e algorithms SED2 and EDcon 2016 [33] e US government data is protected from advanced persistent threats (APTs); the cloud security assessment model is used for four multitenant IaaS cloud architecture e CCS penetration probability is high if minimum security control sets are applied e cloud security assessment model, APTs, and virtual machine 2017 10 Scientific Programming e reference model of the cloud covers and controls the security. In [33], the cloud trust assessment model is proposed to estimate the high-level security which is a high quality of confidentially and integrity by a CSP.…”