Increment of human population with the depletion of natural resources is challenging agriculture-based economy of developing countries. Hence, it is mandatory to find possible solutions to feed the increasing population. Ethiopian government has a vision the motto of food self-sufficiency by wheat production. for surplus production breeders have released many bread wheat varieties for different agroecologies. Therefore, released variety must be extended to the end users. This activity was proposed to evaluate bread wheat varieties at highlands of Guji zone. Three districts were selected based their wheat production potential. Sinja, Wane and Sanate bread wheat varieties were demonstrated on 10mx10m of 21 farmers’ land. Training and mini field day was organized for bread wheat promotion in selected districts. Descriptive statistics and cost-benefit analysis were used to analysis the data. The result showed that highest yield of 28.71qt/ha was harvested from Sanate followed by Wane (26.29 qt/ha) and Sinja (23 qt/ha) varieties. Production of Sanate, Wane and Sinja in highlands of Guji zone could generate 55489 birr/ha, 61263 birr/ha and 49846 birr/ha, respectively. Regardless of higher yield of Sanate experimental farmers preferred Wane variety as its color attract the market demand. Farmers witnessed the higher yield, good return and acceptance of Wane variety. Hence, Wane variety should be disseminated in highlands of Guji zone through pre scaling up and large scale production.