The ever increasing demand in wireless connectivity has led PON networks suffer from limitations in mobility and wide area coverage. Wireless networks suffer by bandwidth limitations. Hybridization uses the best characteristics of all networks: wireless networks and optical networks. A lightweight wireless mesh network is a wireless‐optical broadband access network (WOBAN), which has a front end and background effective bandwidth optical network. WOBAN has already suffered from two large network feature faults as well as feeder and fiber breaks. Cluster‐based protection (CBP) mechanism is proposed in order to increase traffic recovery reliability and reduce backup fiber deployment. With minimal fiber distribution cost, CBP efficiently manages single and simultaneous failures from many segments. Long‐term evolution (LTE) technique‐based CBP is implemented in WOBAN. Faults are analyzed by injecting wireless/distribution fiber/multiple feeder fiber. The novel fault tolerant network is built using an efficient automated failure detection and rerouting (AFDRR) algorithm. An efficient automated failure detection and rerouting (AFDRR) algorithm is used for developing the novel fault‐tolerant network. Implementation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology‐based AFDRR‐CBP on WOBAN‐LTE network with the same scenario is analyzed through simulation. The performance measures are compared among CBP‐WOBAN‐LTE network, AFDRR‐CBP‐WOBAN‐LTE network, and OFDM‐based AFDRR‐CBP‐WOBAN‐LTE networks. From the result obtained, it will be revealed that the suggested methodology throughput ratio will increase up to 24.4% when compared to other methodology.