fluxional interconversion of a catalyst between forms with
different structures and properties complicates mechanistic analyses
and kinetic modeling efforts. We construct a simple model for a catalyst
with two fluxionally interconverting forms, inspired by the interconverting
flat (*) and stacked (▲) forms of noble metal sub-nanoclusters.
Using a detailed balance, free energy relations, non-dimensionalization,
and representative equilibrium constants from ab initio calculations
in the literature, ten initial rate parameters are reduced to two.
The two remaining parameters control the fluxional interconversion
rate and the reactant concentration. For a wide range of these two
parameters, we compute the steady-state turnover frequencies, pathway
fluxes, intermediate abundances, as well as transient intermediate
relaxation rates. The results demonstrate how steady-state abundances
and dominant pathways can change with the degree of fluxionality,
even when equilibrium constants are unchanged. We conclude that accurate
rate expressions must account for non-equilibrium steady-state abundances
and fluxes, beyond equilibrium populations. Furthermore, in contrast
to the short-lived transients for a non-fluxional catalyst, we show
that non-steady transients may persist through many turnovers when
fluxional interconversion is slow.