The symmetry energy of nuclear matter is a fundamental ingredient in the investigation of exotic nuclei, heavy-ion collisions, and astrophysical phenomena. New data from heavy-ion collisions can be used to extract the free symmetry energy and the internal symmetry energy at subsaturation densities and temperatures below 10 MeV. Conventional theoretical calculations of the symmetry energy based on mean-field approaches fail to give the correct low-temperature, low-density limit that is governed by correlations, in particular, by the appearance of bound states. A recently developed quantum-statistical approach that takes the formation of clusters into account predicts symmetry energies that are in very good agreement with the experimental data. A consistent description of the symmetry energy is given that joins the correct low-density limit with quasiparticle approaches valid near the saturation density. The symmetry energy [1] in the nuclear equation of state governs phenomena from the structure of exotic nuclei to astrophysical processes. The structure and the composition of neutron stars depend crucially on the density dependence of the symmetry energy [2]. As a general representation of the symmetry energy coefficient we use the definition E sym ðn; TÞ ¼ Eðn; 1; TÞ þ Eðn; À1; TÞ 2 À Eðn; 0; TÞ; (1) where Eðn; ; TÞ is the energy per nucleon of nuclear matter with density n, temperature T, and asymmetry ¼ ðN À ZÞ=A with Z and N the proton and neutron numbers, and A ¼ N þ Z. At low density the symmetry energy changes mainly because additional binding is gained in symmetric matter due to formation of clusters and pasta structures [3]. Our empirical knowledge of the symmetry energy near the saturation density n 0 is based primarily on the binding energies of nuclei. The Bethe-Weizsäcker mass formula leads to values of about E sym ðn 0 ; 0Þ ¼ 28-34 MeV for the symmetry energy at zero temperature and saturation density n 0 % 0:16 fm À3 , if surface asymmetry effects are properly taken into account [4].In contrast with the value of E sym ðn 0 ; 0Þ, the variation of the symmetry energy with density and temperature is intensely debated. Many theoretical investigations have been performed to estimate the behavior of the symmetry energy as a function of n and T. A recent review is given by Li et al. [5]; see also [6,7]. Typically, quasiparticle approaches such as the Skyrme Hartree-Fock and relativistic meanfield (RMF) models or Dirac-Brueckner Hartree-Fock (DBHF) calculations are used. In such calculations the symmetry energy tends to zero in the low-density limit for uniform matter. However, in accordance with the mass action law, cluster formation dominates the structure of low-density symmetric matter at low temperatures. Therefore, the symmetry energy in this low-temperature limit has to be equal to the binding energy per nucleon associated with the strong interaction of the most bound nuclear cluster. A single-nucleon quasiparticle approach cannot account for such structures. The correct low-density limit can be rec...