New clustomesogens (i.e., metal atom clusters containing liquid crystalline (LC) materials) have been obtained by grafting neutral cyanobiphenyl (CB)-or cholesteryl-containing tailor-made dendritic mesomorphic triphenylphosphine oxide ligands on luminescent (M 6 Cl i 8 ) 4+ octahedral cluster cores (M = Mo,W). The LC properties were studied by ac ombination of polarizing optical microscopy( POM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray powder diffraction analyses.While the organic ligands showed various mesophase types ranging from nematic, SmA columnar (SmA Col ), SmA, and SmC phases,i tt urned out that the corresponding clustomesogens formed layered phases (SmA) over aw ide range of temperatures that depend on the nature and density of mesogenic groups employed. Intrinsic luminescence properties of the cluster precursors are preserved over the entire range of LC phase existence.Liquid crystals are self-assembling molecular materials that have found various applications ranging from the manufacturing of liquid crystal display (LCD) to different molecular sensors and detectors,o ptical switches,s patial light modulator, etc.,b ased on their unique features to retain ah igh degree of mobility besides long or short-range ordering in the fluid phase that give rise to anisotropy-related optical, electrical, and magnetic properties. [1] On the other hand, metal atom clusters are versatile building blocks for the design of hybrid nanomaterials with potential applications, for instance,inthe fields of lighting,displays,and biolabeling technologies. [2] Association of organic mesogenic moieties with octahedral metallic cluster complexes led to anew family of liquid crystals,n amely the clustomesogens,w hich exhibit interesting photoluminescence properties in the red-nearinfrared region due to the cluster core. [3] In the light of recent findings,q uantum yields of nanometer-sized octahedral clusters can reach values above 60 %. [4] Thea ffordable costs and preparation methods as well as thermal stability,the ease of handling and processing make them very appealing materials to be used in different applications based on emission properties (LED,lighting displays,etc.). Combining such nanoobjects with liquid-crystalline ordering is achallenging task [5] and so far,s everal strategies based on covalent binding or ionic self-assembly (ISA) were successfully employed to induce liquid crystalline (LC) properties in systems containing bulky entities,s uch as fullerene [6] and polyoxometalates. [7,8] On the other hand, phosphine or phosphine oxide ligands were scarcely used in the design of liquid-crystalline materials,mainly due to their inappropriate geometry concerning the molecular requirements to generate mesomorphic behavior. [9] Moreover,e ven if they are widely used as ligands in coordination chemistry only few examples of phosphine-oxide-containing metallomesogens (metal-containing liquid crystals) are known. [10] Generally,o nly less bulky phosphines,s uch as trialkylphosphine (alkyl = methyl, ethyl, prop...