Inspired by the possibility that the important role from higher-order curvature correction of gravity is non-negligible during the early universe, we consider E-model inflation with a coupling between inflaton and the Gauss-Bonnet term. With the help of the Gauss-Bonnet term, the Emodel potential with different indexes can drive inflation and enhance the amplitude of the power spectrum of curvature perturbations to O(10 −2 ) at peak scales, which is large enough to produce a significant abundance of primordial black holes and observational scalar induced gravitational waves. With different parameters, the produced primordial black holes can explain the LIGO-Virgo events, the ultrashort-timescale microlensing events in the OGLE data, or consist of almost all the dark matter. The produced scalar induced gravitational waves can be detected by space-based gravitational wave observatories, like LISA, TianQin, and Pulsar Timing Array. Especially, our model also produces scalar induced gravitational waves that can explain the recent NANOGrav signal. We also compute the non-Gaussianity of this model and discuss its impacts on primordial black holes and scalar induced gravitational waves furthermore. The formation of PBHs is easier taking into account of non-Gaussianity, on the contrary, the energy density of scalar induced gravitational waves is almost unaffected by non-Gaussianity.