This study aims to evaluate the application of 222 Rn in groundwater as a tracer for monitoring CO 2 plume migration in a shallow groundwater system, which is important to detect potential CO 2 leakage in the carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. For this research, an artificial CO 2-infused water injection experiment was performed in a shallow aquifer by monitoring hydrogeochemical parameters, including 222 Rn. Radon in groundwater can be a useful tracer because of its sensitivity to sudden changes in subsurface environment. To monitor the CO 2 plume migration, the data were analysed based on (a) the influence of mixing processes on the distribution of 222 Rn induced by the artificial injection experiment and (b) the influence of a carrier gas role by CO 2 on the variation of 222 Rn. The spatio-temporal distributions of radon concentrations were successfully explained in association with horizontal and vertical mixing processes by the CO 2-infused water injection. Additionally, the mixing ratios of each monitoring well were calculated, quantitatively confirming the influence of these mixing processes on the distribution of radon concentrations. Moreover, one monitoring well showed a high positive relationship between 222 Rn and Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TIC) by the carrier gas effect of CO 2 through volatilization from the CO 2 plume. It indicated the applicability of 222 Rn as a sensitive tracer to directly monitor CO 2 leakage. When with a little effect of carrier gas, natural 222 Rn in groundwater can be used to compute mixing ratio of CO 2-infused water indicative of CO 2 migration pathways. CO 2 carrier gas effect can possibly increase 222 Rn concentration in groundwater and, if fully verified with more field tests, will pose a great potential to be used as a natural tracer for CO 2. K E Y W O R D S 222 Rn, artificial CO 2-infused water injection experiment, carbon capture and storage (CCS), carrier gas, mixing ratio, shallow aquifer