Isoprenoid biosynthesis in the widespread diatomaceous algae, Rhizosolenia setigera (Brightwell) and Haslea ostrearia (Simonsen), results not only in the production of diterpenoids, triterpenoids, and sterols but, unusually for diatoms, also in the production of sesterterpenoids. By using 13 C and 2 H isotopic labeling techniques followed by NMR and mass spectrometry, specific inhibition of mevalonate (MVA) and methylerythritol (MEP) pathways, and comparison with the natural 13 C͞ 12 C isotope ratios of the lipids, the different biosynthetic pathways of the sesterterpenes and other isoprenoids have now been determined. Surprisingly, whereas the sesterterpenes (⌬ 7(20) -haslenes) in R. setigera were made by the MVA pathway, as were the related triterpenoid rhizenes and desmosterol, in H. ostrearia the structurally similar ⌬ 6(17) -haslenes and the major sterol, 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3-ol, were instead biosynthesized by the MEP route. Phytol was biosynthesized in both diatoms by the MEP route. Subfractionation of R. setigera cells revealed that although phytol was located in the chloroplasts, the haslenes, rhizenes, and sterols were present in the cytoplasm. The observations described here for R. setigera and H. ostrearia show that terpenoid biosynthesis in diatoms is species-dependent and cannot simply be grouped according to structural type. Triterpenes appear to be made by the MVA route as in higher plants, whereas sesterterpenes and sterols can be made by either the MVA or MEP routes. In neither organism were the isoprenoids biosynthesized by leucine metabolism. Sesterterpene and triterpene biosynthesis in diatoms has not been investigated previously.A lthough all isoprenoids are biosynthesized from isopentenyl diphosphate (IDP), IDP itself can be produced by several different routes. In addition to the mevalonate (MVA) route, a MVA-independent pathway has been described, yielding IDP from pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, with 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate and 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) identified as intermediates (1). In addition, IDP in some parasitic protozoa appears to be biosynthesized both by the MVA route and by direct incorporation of leucine (2). Many authors have studied the distribution of the MVA and MEP pathways within a large number of organisms by incorporation of 13 C-or 2 H-labeled precursors (for reviews see refs. 1, 3, and 4), by use of highly specific inhibitors of the MVA and MEP pathways (5, 6), or by measuring the distribution of the genes of both pathways (7,8). Jux and coworkers (9) demonstrated that natural 13 C͞ 12 C isotope ratios of individual lipids could also be used to distinguish between the pathways. Based on these four approaches, it has been established that archaea, certain bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and some protozoa and animals use only the MVA pathway, whereas many bacteria, green algae, and some protists rely on the MEP pathway (10). Some algae, some streptomycetes, mosses, and liverworts, two marine diatoms, and higher plants appear to use both ro...