Environmental education is needed to increase community resillience, with knowledge and skills in order to understand environmental problems, be motivated to act, and solve or prevent certain environmental problems. Building social resilience in utilizing while preserving the environment is one of the important factors for sustainable environmental management. One of the efforts is by increasing people's understanding and love of biodiversity in order to increase their motivation to manage it sustainably. To provide an engaging and dynamic learning environment for Generation Z or gen Z, a creative approach is adopted that combines technology with social interaction and feedback that stimulates curiosity and motivation, and simulates real-life situations. The problem agreed upon by the team of this program and partners was the students' low recognition of biodiversity and its function for the environment. In the long term, this could have implications for a lack of appreciation for biodiversity, including a low appreciation for the presence of plants and animals endemic to North Sulawesi. The solution applied is to introduce various types of plants and animals, with an emphasis on endemic species, and their benefits for humans and the environment. After the community partnership program (PKM, Program Kemitraan Maysarakat), the student groups of SDN 36 and SDN 70 Kota Manado (main target) as well as teachers and students involved (additional targets) increase their knowledge about biodiversity and its function for the environment and can apply planting and maintaining various local fruit-producing trees in schools and the surrounding environment. The community partnership program activities are carried out in Kelurahan Kleak, Malalayang District, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province for six (6) months. The service is carried out in several activities as follows. 1) Inventory of the school environment situation and student behavior in relation to their interactions with biodiversity. 2) Programming with partners. 3) Preparation of teaching modules. 4) Implementation of outreach activities in the form of webinars with active involvement of learners through presentations accompanied by interactive discussions. 5) Planting and distributing various types of plant seeds. 6) Preparing reports and writing articles for scientific publications. Keywords: biodiversity, endemic species, environmental education, gen Z, sustainable environmental management