Interest in the chemistry of transition metal atoms and small clusters dispersed on insulating supports goes back many years. 1 Driven by the catalytic activity of metals such as rhodium dispersed on amorphous metal oxides supports, this interest is now strengthened due to the possibility of harnessing size-specific properties in heterogeneous catalysts. New insights into the chemical properties of small deposited metal clusters have been gained from the sizeselective preparation of cluster deposits on ordered substrates as well as from characterization techniques that have a high spatial resolution such as the scanning probe microscopies. 2,3 One of the techniques that is most widely used to characterize supported metal particles is infrared (IR) spectroscopy of adsorbed carbon monoxide, CO. The stretching frequency of CO, ν(CO), is highly sensitive to structure and electron density at the binding site. The interpretation of the vibrational spectra of CO chemisorbed on supported metal systems relies on the comparison with ν(CO) values in stable metal carbonyl compounds, on single crystal surfaces, and with atom-CO complexes in rare gas matrixes. Until now, there is no information for isolated unsaturated metal cluster carbonyls, as conventional IR spectroscopic techniques are difficult to apply for those species.Here, we report on the vibrational spectroscopy of gas-phase rhodium cluster complexes with CO, Rh n CO (n ) 6-20), one of the most widely studied supported transition metal systems. Spectra in the region of ν(CO) are obtained using IR multiphoton depletion (IRMPD) spectroscopy. These gas-phase studies provide fundamental insight into metal-ligand interactions and additionally allow one to distinguish between intrinsic properties and support effects in supported clusters. The experiments take advantage of the tunable, IR radiation from the free electron laser for infrared experiments (FELIX) 4 which is ideal for IRMPD spectroscopy of cluster-ligand complexes. 5 Briefly, the IR induced fragmentation yields of the clusters in a molecular beam are monitored under FELIX irradiation as a function of IR frequency using mass spectrometry. Details are available as Supporting Information.In Figure 1 parts of mass spectra are shown around the mass of Rh 6 obtained under FELIX irradiation at two different IR frequencies. The peak due to Rh 6 CO, visible with 2026 cm -1 radiation is completely depleted with 1950 cm -1 radiation. The inset in Figure 1 shows the IRMPD spectrum for Rh 6 CO. Clearly, a resonance can be seen that can be straightforwardly attributed to the ν(CO) stretching vibration of Rh 6 CO. Similar depletion spectra have been obtained for Rh n CO with n ) 6-20. Spectra for n ) 6-15 are shown in Figure 2, and the peak frequencies are summarized in Table 1. The frequency scale is calibrated on ethylene absorptions measured in a photoacoustic cell, resulting in an absolute frequency accuracy better than (2 cm -1 . Rh 6 is the smallest cluster for which we can observe CO complexes, as the smaller Rh n C...