The article focuses on the analysis of the experience of Finland in specialists’ training in the circular economy under the goals of the national economy aimed at the transition to a new economic model. This analysis is based on the review of authentic sources available on this issue, including the EU and Finnish strategic plans, economic reports, road maps, publications, and guidelines for training in the circular economy developed by Finland.
It is shown that Finland is one of the first countries in the world that began the national economic transformation to move to a circular model and started implementing the circular economy principles at all the levels of education in 2017. Thus, despite the short term, Finland has managed to gain some educational experience and disseminate it to other countries.
It is concluded that the Finnish experience provides for the higher education transformation, particularly in training in the circular economy under the goals of the national economy aimed at the transition to a new economic model. Such a transformation of higher education means employers’ active involvement in training in the circular economy on project-based methods. Furthermore, it is noted that essential aspects of didactics and education in a circular economy are the development of systemic thinking and innovative competencies, as well as involving students in networking between all participants in the educational process, including students, teachers and all other stakeholders.