Key words: immunocytochemistry, islet amyloid polypeptide, pancreatic islets, type 1 diabetes injection compliments insulin treatment to have a better glycemic control through suppressing glucagon secretion. This study was aimed to investigate the possible IAPP deficient pancreatic islets being responsible for severe IAPP hyposecretion in type 1 diabetics.
Control islets.Large control islets consisted of major insulin cells, followed by glucagon and SRIF cells at a relative ratio of 6:3:1 whereas in medium sized islets, the relative ratio of three kinds of islet cells was 6:3:1.5 (Table 1 and Fig. 1). About 34% of islet cells were positively stained for IAPP and the ratio of IAPP positive cells to insulin cells was about 60% corresponding to the darkly insulin positive cells (Fig. 1). There were scattered, irregular, sickle-shaped cytoplasms often without nucleus, which were densely positive for both insulin and IAPP without granular appearance (Fig. 1A and B). Insulin ©2 0 1 1 L a n d e s B i o s c i e n c e .
D o n o t d i s t r i b u t e Islets