This re on w NOTICE t sponsore':. b I~~ prepared as an account of Work the United Y Statesu~~c;t 1~~t~i !:;r~ment. Nei1hcr Research and Develo. . tales Energy their employees, n"c,~c~n Adrrurustra1.ion, nor any of subcontractors 01 th. Y 0~ their contractors, warranty exp~ess 0 • cu. cmp oyees, makes any Hability ~r rcspomih~t implied, or assumes any lrgal or usefulness of a~y info[::a_:! 11~ accuracy, completencs.s pro~ss disclosed, or reprcsen 1 1~" ih:':P:81us, product or tnfnngc privately owned rights. s use would not ,