P., 2019. CO 2 sorp tion prop er ties of se lected lithotypes of lig nite from Pol ish de pos its. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 63 (4): 786-800, doi: 10.7306/gq.1508 As so ci ate ed i tor: Wojciech Drzewicki Sorp tion stud ies, to de ter mine the CO 2 sorp tion ca pac ity of coal, were car ried out us ing eight ortho-lig nite sam ples of dif ferent lithotypes, to in ves ti gate the pos si bil ity of CO 2 stor age in lig nite de pos its. Equa tions de ter min ing a num ber of pa ram e ters and in di ca tors used to de lin eate the ex per i men tal data and to dif fer en ti ate the sam ples ex am ined in clude: Langmuir isotherms; the Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) equa tion that de scribes the the ory of vol ume fill ing of micropores; and the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) equa tion used to cal cu late the vol ume and sur face area of a monolayer. The re sults ob tained were com pared with the petrographic com po si tion and ul ti mate and prox i mate anal y sis of lig nite. There is a large cor re la tion between sorp tion and petrographic com po si tion, a pos i tive im pact of the Gelification In dex on the sorp tion pro cess and a clear re la tion ship be tween the sorp tion (Langmuir and DR) and ash con tent. The best CO 2 sorp tion prop er ties were found for xylo-detritic and detro-xylitic lig nites. Based on the tests car ried out, a pre lim i nary as sess ment of the suit abil ity of lig nite for CO 2 stor age can be made. Na tions Frame work Clas si fi ca tion of Re sources (UNFC). As of De cem ber 31, 2016, 91 lig nite de pos its were ex plored in Poland, of which 74 were doc u mented and are still un de vel oped. Pol ish extractable lig nite re sources amount to 1,129.06 mil lion tons, which is ~0.8% of the global re serves of this type (PGI-NRI, 2017). Lig nite de pos its whose ex ploi ta tion is not econom i cally vi a ble can be used for CO 2 se ques tra tion. At ten tion is there fore fo cused on deep lig nite de pos its and seam thick ness, the ex ploi ta tion of which is not eco nom i cally fea si ble. At the same time, the de pos its dis cussed are in su lated de pos its; thus, the pre vail ing geo log i cal con di tions could en able car bon capture and stor age. The geo log i cal and depositional con di tions required for CO 2 stor age are gen er ally sim i lar to the re quire ments for UCG, e.g. the depth of the de posit, thick ness and na ture (low-per me abil ity, struc tur ally co her ent and lat er ally con tin uous) of in su lat ing lay ers, pres ence of ground wa ter res er voirs and the lack of tec tonic dis tur bances in the di rect ex ploi ta tion zone. Stud ies per formed on the pos si bil ity of un der ground gasifi ca tion in Po land have shown that the de pos its at OEcinawa-G³ogów, Gostyñ, Krzywiñ, Wêglewice and Kamieñsk can be po ten tially used for CO 2 stor age (Bielowicz and Kasiñski, 2014). Gen er ally, the lim ited ac cess to sam ples from these lig nite de pos its pre vents sorp tion stud ies. There fore, it is cru cial to de ter mine trends al low ing a pre lim i nary as ...