Abstract. Despite the length of winter in cold temperate climates, few studies refer to greenhouse gas emissions from soils during the nongrowing season. In this study, N20 and CO2 fluxes from agricultural and forest soils in southeastern Quebec (Canada) were measured during winter and spring from 1994 to 1997, and the influences of climate, soil, and snow properties on the gaseous emissions were examined. N20 fluxes were far greater from the agricultural soil (2-187 ng N20 m -2 s 'l) than from the forest soil (< 3 ng N20 m -2 s-I), but CO2 fluxes were equivalent for both soil systems (2-102 gg CO2 m -2 s-i). The higher N20 concentrations in the lower soil horizons could be explained by positive temperature gradients with depth and concomitant negative gas solubility gradients. However, the higher N20 concentrations could also be explained by variations in the expression of N20 reductase with depth, which can modify the N2/N20 ratios in relation to the availability of 02. Calculated N20-N fluxes showed that N losses by gaseous emissions from soils during winter and spring were comparable to, or exceeded, similar reported N losses during the growing season. The highest winter fluxes observed in 1997 were interpreted to be due to favorable meteorological conditions that prevailed for denitrification through high soil water content in summer and fall of 1996. Although interannual and interseasonal variations of fluxes are important, this study shows that wintertime losses of N20 from agricultural soil can be up to 2 to 4 times greater than emissions measured during the growing season in similar agroecosystems.