Old leachate normally has a low organic compound content, poor biodegradability and is hard to biologically treat. The efficacy of tetravalent metal salts as a coagulant and the application of a natural coagulant as a flocculant in landfill leachate treatment is still inconclusive. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the potential application of tin tetrachloride (SnCl4) as the main coagulant and the rubber seed (Hevea brasiliensis) (RS) as the natural coagulant aid as the sole treatment in eradicating highly coloured and turbid stabilised landfill leachate present at one of the old local landfills in Malaysia. The standard jar test conducted revealed that SnCl4 was able to eliminate 99% and 97.3% of suspended solids (SS) and colour, respectively, at pH8, with 10,000 mg/L dosages, an average particle size of 2419 d·nm, and a zeta potential (ZP) of −0.4 mV. However, RS was found to be ineffective as the main coagulant and could only remove 46.7% of SS and 76.5% of colour at pH3 with 6000 mg/L dosages, and also exhibited smaller particles (933 d·nm) with ZP values of −6.3 mV. When used as a coagulant aid, the polymer bridging mechanism in RS helped in reducing the SnCl4 concentration from 10,000 mg/L to 8000 mg/L by maintaining the same performances. The presence of 1000 mg/L RS as a coagulant aid was able to remove 100% of SS and 97.6% of colour. The study concluded that RS has the potential to be used together with SnCl4 in treating concentrated leachate with SS and colour.