Fake news has proliferated on the internet in recent decades. More people than ever before are creating and sharing knowledge because of social networks, many of which have no connection to reality. This has led to the rapid dissemination of false information used for various political and business objectives. Finding reliable news sources has become more difficult due to online newspapers. In this work, we gathered news articles of Hindi text from various news sources. Techniques for pre-processing, feature extraction, classification, and prediction are all extensively covered. A “Fake news detection system” has been developed in this project. Various Hindi news articles have been collected from multiple sources to help diversify the dataset and train the model better. The project first pre-processes the dataset and uses the pre-trained Bert model for feature extraction. Then, the data is classified from the dataset and prediction processes are employed on the dataset. Various machine learning algorithms and deep learning models like Naïve Bayes, Long Short-Term Memory, Logistic Regression have been employed in previous works for the purpose of detecting fake news. Pre-processing steps include data cleaning, stop words removal, tokenizing, stemming. The testing and training of the dataset include using the BERT for sequence classification model. The model is trained and tested against the validation dataset