As a preliminary study for the gasification of an anthracite and petroleum coke mixture, viscosity was measured at various temperatures (20-50 o C), slurry concentrations (60-70 wt%) and additive amounts (0-0.8 wt%) by using an LV-II type viscometer. In addition, four types of different additives, sodium naphthalene sulfonate, poly(methyl methacrylate), polypropylene and a polypropylene glycol based additive, were applied to Korean anthracite, petroleum coke and mixtures of these materials, and the viscosity data were compared. Viscosity dependency values for coal, anthracite, bituminous and sub-bituminous coal, were compared, and it was found that a high content of moisture and particularly ash increases CWS viscosity. The four types of additives tested in this research can effectively diminish the viscosity of coal and especially petroleum coke-water slurry by more than 70% to 95%, respectively. Moreover, the sodium naphthalene sulfonate-based additive reduced the viscosity of coal and petroleum coke-water slurry best, especially at concentrations in excess of 65 wt%. Based on these results, highly loaded slurry created by mixing anthracite and petroleum coke with additives was achieved.