The ability of the site-frequency spectrum (SFS) to reflect the particularities of gene genealogies exhibiting multiple mergers of ancestral lines as opposed to those obtained in the presence of population growth is our focus. An excess of singletons is a wellknown characteristic of both population growth and multiple mergers. Other aspects of the SFS, in particular, the weight of the right tail, are, however, affected in specific ways by the two model classes. Using an approximate likelihood method and minimum-distance statistics, our estimates of statistical power indicate that exponential and algebraic growth can indeed be distinguished from multiplemerger coalescents, even for moderate sample sizes, if the number of segregating sites is high enough. A normalized version of the SFS (nSFS) is also used as a summary statistic in an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach. The results give further positive evidence as to the general eligibility of the SFS to distinguish between the different histories.KEYWORDS coalescent; multiple mergers; population growth; approximate maximum likelihood test; approximate Bayesian computation; sitefrequency spectrum T HE site-frequency spectrum (SFS) at a given locus is one of the most important and popular statistics based on genetic data sampled from a natural population. In combination with the postulation of the assumptions of the infinitelymany-sites mutation model (Watterson, 1975) and a suitable underlying coalescent framework, the SFS allows one to draw inferences about evolutionary parameters, such as coalescent parameters associated with multiple-merger coalescents or population-growth models.The Kingman coalescent, developed by Kingman (1982a, b,c), Hudson (1983a,b), and Tajima (1983), describing the random ancestral relations among DNA sequences drawn from natural populations, is a prominent and widely used model from which one can make predictions about genetic diversity. Many quantities of interest, such as the expected values and covariances of the SFS associated with the Kingman coalescent, are easily computed thanks to results by Fu (1995). The robustness of the Kingman coalescent is quite remarkable; indeed, a large number of genealogy models can be shown to have the Kingman coalescent or a variant thereof as their limit process (cf., e.g., Möhle 1998). A large volume of work is thus devoted to inference methods based on the Kingman coalescent [see, e.g., Donnelly and Tavaré (1995), Hudson (1990), Nordborg (2001), Hein et al. (2005), and Wakeley (2007) for reviews].However, many evolutionary histories can lead to significant deviations from the Kingman coalescent model. Such deviations can be detected using a variety of statistical tools, such as Tajima's D (Tajima 1989a), Fu and Li's D (Fu and Li 1993), and Fay and Wu 's H (Fay and Wu 2000), which are all functions of the SFS. However, they do not always allow one to identify the actual evolutionary mechanisms leading to such deviations. Developing statistical tools that allow one to dist...