For a given entwining structure (A, C) ψ involving an algebra A, a coalgebra C, and an entwining map ψ : C ⊗ A → A ⊗ C, a category M C A (ψ) of right (A, C) ψmodules is defined and its structure analysed. In particular, the notion of a measuring of (A, C) ψ to (Ã,C)ψ is introduced, and certain functors between M C A (ψ) and MC A (ψ) induced by such a measuring are defined. It is shown that these functors are inverse equivalences iff they are exact (or one of them faithfully exact) and the measuring satisfies a certain Galois-type condition. Next, left modules E and right modulesĒ associated to a C-Galois extension A of B are defined. These can be thought of as objects dual to fibre bundles with coalgebra C in the place of a structure group, and a fibre V . Cross-sections of such associated modules are defined as module maps E → B orĒ → B. It is shown that they can be identified with suitably equivariant maps from the fibre to A. Also, it is shown that a C-Galois extension is cleft if and only if A = B ⊗ C as left B-modules and right C-comodules. The relationship between the modules E andĒ is studied in the case when V is finite-dimensional and in the case when the canonical entwining map is bijective.