DeVos and Mohar proved a rough structure theorem about small separations in vertex‐transitive graphs [5, 6]. By using a new version of Varopolous isoperimetric inequality, we give an improvement of their lower bound on the expansion in the case of infinite vertex‐transitive graphs. Specifically, let X=(V,E) be a locally finite connected graph such that there is a group G acting discretely and transitively on X. If A⊆V is nonempty and finite such that A∪∂A is connected and |A|>36|∂A|2, then X has a ring‐like structure. Moreover, we give a similar asymptotic result under the assumption that X is an infinite vertex transitive graph. In the setting of finite groups, we use local expansion to show the existence of a nontrivial cyclic subgroup with an effectively bounded index. Finally, we prove that for any c>0 there is a graph T and a subgraph A of T, such that |∂A|· depth (A)