By identifying the maximally random jammed state of freely jointed chains of tangent hard spheres we are able to determine the distinct scaling regimes characterizing the dependence of chain dimensions and topology on volume fraction. Calculated distributions of (i) the contour length of the primitive paths and (ii) the number of entanglements per chain agree remarkably well with recent theoretical predictions in all scaling regimes. Furthermore, our simulations reveal a hitherto unsuspected connection between purely intramolecular (knots) and intermolecular (entanglements) topological constraints. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.265702 PACS numbers: 61.20.Ja, 02.10.Kn, 64.70.QÀ, 64.75.Gh Since Bernal's pioneering work almost half a century ago [1], a great deal of experimental, theoretical, and simulation effort has been devoted to the investigation of random packings of single spheres and other nonsymmetric hard-body objects, especially in the vicinity of the configuration referred to nowadays as the maximally random jammed (MRJ) state [2][3][4]. MRJ is defined as the state in which the most sensitive measure of order parameter is minimized among all statistically homogeneous and isotropic jammed structures [3]. In practice, as the MRJ state is approached the ability of hard spheres to move (''rattle'' [3] and ''flip' ' [5] for monoatomic and chain systems, respectively) without incurring overlaps declines precipitously. Regarding random assemblies of chains of hard spheres, connectivity endows them with a rich physical behavior. The problem of densely packed polymers is of vital importance in thermodynamics, biology, phase transitions, glassy state, colloids, granular media, combinatorics, and perturbation theory. Recently, the computational challenge of determining the MRJ state could be solved, albeit for short chains only [5]. Thus, universal scaling, and asymptotic behavior in the infinite chain length (N) limit, as predicted by Edwards [6] and de Gennes [6] could only be conjectured.In this Letter we determine, through extensive simulations, the MRJ state for strongly entangled freely jointed chains of tangent hard spheres (where bond length is fixed and equal to sphere diameter), deep in the asymptotic regime. This MRJ state is determined by means of large scale [Oð10 11 Þ steps], off-lattice, Monte Carlo simulations using a suite of powerful importance sampling, chainconnectivity altering algorithms [7] on a number of bulk systems ranging from 100 chains of N ¼ 12 to 54 chains of N ¼ 1000. Preliminary tests on cells of different sizes revealed the absence of system size effects on all calculated properties.We show that, within statistical uncertainty, hard-sphere chains reach their MRJ state at the same volume fraction (') as single spheres, ' MRJ % 0:638 AE 0:004, irrespective of chain length. The question is thus settled that neither chain length nor the tangency constraint of connectivity hinder random packing of chains with respect to assemblies of single spheres. This alone is an important resul...