Demak is located on the north coast of Java, precisely in Central Java Province, Indonesia which has many problems related to erosion and shoreline degradation. This study attempts to analyze, identify, and select the materials to build eco-friendly permeable breakwater in Demak. The research was conducted during 2014, consist of several activities, i.e. identified the condition of breakwaters position, materials, and construction, did literature study of identification type breakwaters, study area, sediment, chemical reaction, then reverse design and modification for eco-friendly permeable breakwater. The result is a design of eco-friendly permeable breakwater which used a material of PVC pipe and Bamboo. PVC has excellent chemical resistance, also will increase sedimentation process and accelerate coastal changes towards the sea. Effectiveness level of breakwater made from combination of tire and PVC was 62%, and reveal to be more economical than other general-purpose plastics such as PE, PP, or PS.