This letter focuses on the high-frequency wireless power transfer by electromagnetic induction and its dependence on the lateral misalignment and tilt of the small receiving coil relative to the transmitting coil. We combine two structures, the twisted loop antenna (TLA) and subcoils of a distributed diameter coil (DDC) for transmitting designs. Our system is then referred to as TLA-DDC. The radius of the subcoils is parametrically varied for different distances between the coils and performed in two positions for each distance (coaxial position when the receiving coil is parallel to the plane of the transmitting coil, and center position for the perpendicular orientation of both coils). Then, using different radii for the transmitting DDC TLA when the receiving coil is moved onto its surface allows us to obtain a greater value of efficiency at different positions: up to 2.4 times for the peak value and 1.5 for the average value for receiving coil in parallel plane. The efficiency of the magnetic coupling is determined by means of power efficiency with a comparison between the DDC TLA antennas and a standard coil antenna corresponding to the same inductance value.