“…The peak at m/z = 775.1922 was assigned to Co III -complex B (theoretical value: m/z = 775.2050, M + Na + ), which keeps the three units of picolinamidel igand in the coordination sphere of Co, but one of which is now coordinated asamonodentate neutral ligand (rathert han in ab identate monoanionic fashion), with an acetate occupying the vacant site. The relative ease of forming the off-cycle tris-picolinamidec helate Co III complexes of type A,w hich should be less favorable in the case of using the more-hindered 8-quinolinamide substrates, could explain the higher reactivity of the latter substrates over picolinamided erivatives [8] andt he use of high catalyst loadings [8,13] described in previousr eports. Presumably,c omplex C resultsf rom complex A through ligand displacement via complex B.I nterestingly,a Scheme7.Isolationo fap reformedCo-complex and study of its competency.…”