We introduce an ultra high energy combined KAM-Rindler fractal spacetime quantum manifold, which increasingly resembles Einstein's smooth relativity spacetime, with decreasing energy. That way we derive an effective quantum gravity energy-mass relation and compute a dark energy density in complete agreement with all cosmological measurements, specifically WMAP and type 1a supernova. In particular we find that ordinary measurable energy density is given by 2 1 22 E mc while the dark energy density of the vacuum is given by 2 2 21 22 E mc . The sum of both energies is equal to Einstein's energy. We conclude that makes no distinction between ordinary energy and dark energy. More generally we conclude that the geometry and topology of quantum entanglement create our classical spacetime and glue it together and conversely quantum entanglement is the logical consequence of KAM theorem and zero measure topology of quantum spacetime. Furthermore we show via our version of a Rindler hyperbolic spacetime that Hawking negative vacuum energy, Unruh temperature and dark energy are different sides of the same medal.