Alcohol and Medicines (DRUID) program, and standardization of DUID research. Whereas OF testing is now routine in many monitoring programs, currently, the major shortcoming is the dearth of controlled drug administration studies published to guide interpretation. This review presents an overview of OF testing benefits and limits. Progress in OF that has occurred during the last 5 years in respect of collection, screening, confirmation, and interpretation of cannabinoids, opioids, amphetamines, cocaine, and benzodiazepines is reviewed. Methodology examined includes controlled drug administration studies, immunoassay and chromatographic methods, collection devices, point-of-collection testing device performance, and recent applications of OF testing. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration approval of OF testing has been delayed because questions about drug OF disposition had not yet been resolved, and performance of collection device and testing assays necessitated advancement. Unusual mass spectrometric dissociation pathway of protonated isoquinoline-3-carboxamides due to multiple reversible water adduct formation in the gas phase Collision-induced dissociation behavior of various substituted isoquinoline-3carboxamides, which are amongst a group of drug candidates for the treatment of anemic disorders (e.g., FG-2216), was studied and facilitated the formulation of the general mechanisms underlying the unusual fragmentation behavior