Cocaine abuse and intoxication is a global problem leading to many medical complications that can result in significant morbidity and mortality. We present the clinical case of a young man who presented with a fulminant hepatic failure, renal failure and a duodenal ulcer related to cocaine consumption.
Keywords: Fulminant hepatitis; Cocaine; Clinical case
Case PresentationA 28-year-old man was admitted to our hospital on November 14, 2016 because of psychomotor agitation with fear delusions after ingesting 0.5 g of cocaine. He had no medical history of interest. As a toxic consumption history, he referred being an excigarette smoker of a pack a day, referred an ex-consumption of 10-12 alcohol units per day, and an ex-consumption of cannabis. Cocaine consumption started at 16 years old but at that time it had become sporadic. On examination in the emergency department, the patient presented a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 12 with bilateral mydriasis, skin and mucous dryness, tachycardia and self-limiting temperature peak of 39.5°C. First blood test analysis showed a 51% hematocrit (43-49), 219 K/mcl platelets (150-450), 13.98 K/mcl leukocytosis (4.4-11.3), a prothrombin time (PT) of 86% (65-100), a 2.67 mg/dl creatinine (0.7-1.2), a 63 mg/dl urea (16.6-48.5), a 0.42 mg/dl total bilirubin (0.1-1.2), a 93 U/L aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (0-40), a 28 U/L alanine transaminase (ALT) (0-41), a 23 U/L gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) (0-60), a 97 U/L alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (40-129), a 863 U/L creatine kinase (CK) (0-190) and a high anion gap metabolic acidosis: pH 7.18, 38 mmHg pCO 2 , 39 mmHg pO 2 and 14.2 mmol/L bicarbonate. Troponin curve realized at 3 hours was flat. Toxics in urine were tested, being only positive for cocaine. Ethyleneglycol and methanol serum levels were normal and hepatitis A, B and C viruses were negative. Blood test control at 3 hours showed increasing levels of CK to 5.529 U/L and at 6 hours CK levels had arisen to 16.242 U/L, creatinine levels to 3.31 mg/dl and PT had decreased to 52%. At 24 hours, CK levels were 49.162 U/L, creatinine levels had increased to 4.79 mg/dl, platelets had fallen to 39 K/mcl and International Normalized Ratio (INR) had increased to 5.54. Brain computerized tomography (CT) scan was normal. Initial supportive treatment (such as serum therapy and bicarbonate) was initiated in the emergency room.First diagnostic approach was an acute renal failure AKIN III probably due to microangiopathy and rhabdomyolysis because of cocaine consumption. In the following hours, the patient began with a decreased level of consciousness and oligoanuria. In blood test controls, platelet levels dropped to 18 K/mcl, INR increased to 5.54, total bilirubin increased to 2.03 mg/dl, AST increased to 3.610 U/L, ALT increased to 3.287 U/L, CK levels were about 33.327 U/L and creatinine levels were still increasing to 6.44 mg/dl. A fulminant hepatic failure was diagnosed in addition to an acute renal failure, since previous abdominal ultrasound found in his clinical history showed n...