Missense mutations of PARK20/SYNJ1 (synaptojanin1/Synj1) have been linked to complex forms of familial parkinsonism, however, the molecular and cellular changes associated with dopaminergic dysfunction remains unknown. We now report fast depletion of evoked dopamine (DA) and altered maintenance of the axonal dopamine transporter (DAT) in the Synj1+/- neurons. While Synj1 has been traditionally known to facilitate the endocytosis of synaptic vesicles, we demonstrated that axons of cultured Synj1+/- neurons exhibit an increase of total DAT but a reduction of the surface DAT, which could be exacerbated by neuronal activity. We revealed that the loss of surface DAT is specifically associated with the impaired 5’-phosphatase activity of Synj1 and the hyperactive downstream PI(4,5)P2-PKCbeta pathway. Thus, our findings provided important mechanistic insight for Synj1-regulated DAT trafficking integral to dysfunctional DA signaling in early parkinsonism.