Fig. 1. A complex multiphysics simulation involving viscoelastic fluids, rigid bodies, and deformable bodies. We simulate whipped cream and strawberry syrup e iciently using our novel viscoelasticity model based on conformation constraints. The complete scene consists of 150,000 particles and runs at 1.13 seconds per frame.e simulation of high viscoelasticity poses important computational challenges. One is the di culty to robustly measure strain and its derivatives in a medium without permanent structure. Another is the high sti ness of the governing di erential equations. Solutions that tackle these challenges exist, but they are computationally slow. We propose a constraint-based model of viscoelasticity that enables e cient simulation of highly viscous and viscoelastic phenomena. Our model reformulates, in a constraint-based fashion, a constitutive model of viscoelasticity for polymeric uids, which de nes simple governing equations for a conformation tensor. e model can represent a diverse pale e of materials, spanning elastoplastic, highly viscous, and inviscid liquid behaviors. In addition, we have designed a constrained dynamics solver that extends the position-based dynamics method to handle e ciently both position-based and velocity-based constraints. We show results that range from interactive simulation of viscoelastic e ects to large-scale simulation of high viscosity with competitive performance.