The signal processing courses are theoretically strong and mathematically advanced. At same time, they also provide basic theories and basic methods for the construction and design of information processing systems. Traditional teaching method centered on teachers focuses on theoretical teaching, and lacks training on the relationship between the theory mastered by students and the ability to solve practical problems in information processing. The paper introduces research-oriented teaching into the signal processing courses to solve the above problems. By means of the combination of project-guided task-driven teaching, a student-centered and research-oriented teaching model is established to cultivate students' engineering application ability and innovation consciousness. Based on G3-PLC physical layer signal processing project, the practice of research-oriented teaching in digital signal processing is carried out. The research-oriented teaching is carried out in terms of project analysis, task design, task decomposition, task implementation and effect evaluation. Theoretical analysis and teaching practice show that the research-oriented teaching is necessary, the reform of teaching methods based on project guidance is an effective way to construct research-oriented teaching of signal processing courses and task driven is an effective supplement to project guidance teaching.