Abstract.An s -1 stage semiexplicit Runge-Kutta method is represented by an î X i real lower triangular matrix where the number of implicit stages is given by the number of nonzero diagonal elements. It is shown that the maximum order attainable is i when s < 5. Necessary and sufficient conditions for ^-stability are derived and it is shown that there must be î -1 implicit stages if the order is î and s < 5. Examples are given for s < 4 where all the nonzero diagonal elements are equal. Additional problems arise when i > 4; but when î = 6, an .4-stable method of order 5 is obtained. This method has five nonzero diagonal elements, and these elements are equal. Finally, a six stage bistable method of order six is given. Again, this method has five nonzero (and equal) diagonal elements.