Pyrrolysine has entered natural genetic codes by the translation of UAG, a canonical stop codon. UAG translation as pyrrolysine requires the pylT gene product, an amber-decoding tRNA Pyl that is aminoacylated with pyrrolysine by the pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase produced from the pylS gene. The pylTS genes form a gene cluster with pylBCD, whose functions have not been investigated. The pylTSBCD gene order is maintained not only in methanogenic Archaea but also in a distantly related Gram-positive Bacterium, indicating past horizontal gene transfer of all five genes. Here we show that lateral transfer of pylTSBCD introduces biosynthesis and genetic encoding of pyrrolysine into a naïve organism. PylS-based assays demonstrated that pyrrolysine was biosynthesized in Escherichia coli expressing pylBCD from Methanosarcina acetivorans. Production of pyrrolysine did not require tRNA Pyl or PylS. However, when pylTSBCD were coexpressed with mtmB1, encoding the methanogen monomethylamine methyltransferase, UAG was translated as pyrrolysine to produce recombinant monomethylamine methyltransferase. Expression of pylTSBCD also suppressed an amber codon introduced into the E. coli uidA gene. Strains lacking one of the pylBCD genes did not produce pyrrolysine or translate UAG as pyrrolysine. These results indicated that pylBCD gene products biosynthesize pyrrolysine using metabolites common to Bacteria and Archaea and, furthermore, that the pyl gene cluster represents a ''genetic code expansion cassette,'' previously unprecedented in natural organisms, whose transfer allows an existing codon to be translated as a novel endogenously synthesized free amino acid. Analogous cassettes may have served similar functions for other amino acids during the evolutionary expansion of the canonical genetic code.T ranslated in-frame amber (TAG/UAG) codons in the genes encoding methylamine methyltransferases from Methanosarcina barkeri (1-3) were early clues to the existence of pyrrolysine as the 22nd genetically encoded amino acid from nature. Crystallography of MtmB1, the monomethylamine methyltransferase, demonstrated that the UAG codon of the encoding mtmB1 gene corresponds to pyrrolysine, whose structure was proposed as lysine with N in amide linkage with the D-isomer of 4-methyl-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (4, 5). This structure is consistent with the UAG-encoded residue's mass in three distinct methylamine methyltransferases (6).Near the mtmB1 gene in Methanosarcina spp. are the pyl genes (ref. 7; Fig. 1). Two of these genes are known to underlie the genetic encoding of pyrrolysine. The pylT encodes tRNA Pyl , whose CUA anticodon complements the UAG codon corresponding to pyrrolysine. Deletion of the pyl gene promoter and pylT leads to loss of pyrrolysine-dependent monomethylamine methyltransferase and methylamine metabolism (8). The pylS gene encodes the pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase, PylS, which charges tRNA Pyl with chemically synthesized pyrrolysine and further carries out a pyrrolysine-dependent ATP:pyrophosphate exchange reaction (5, 9-11)...