The problem of equation of state for ferroelectric-antiferroelectric mixed systems in the whole region of a concentration change (0 n 1) is discussed. The main peculiarity of the presented model turns out to be the possibility for the site dipole momentum to be oriented ferroelectrically in z-direction and antiferroelectrically in x-direction. Such a situation takes place in mixed compounds of KDP type. The different phases (ferro-, antiferro-, paraelectric, dipole glass and some combinations of them) have been found and analyzed. : 75.10.Hk, 77.22.Ch, 77.84.F The present paper is a continuation of our recent investigations of ferroelectric-antiferroelectric mixed systems with hydrogen bonds [1][2][3]. There is an abundant experimental material concerning phase diagrams and the behaviour of thermodynamic functions for this mixed crystals [4][5][6][7][8]. The phase diagrams demonstrate the coexistence of pure and mixed ferro-, antiferro-, paraelectric, dipole glass phases in a wide region of temperatures and concentrations. A theoretical description of such systems is in its initial stage so far. The main approach is based on the statistic replica method for calculating the thermodynamic functions for a mixed system with non-equilibrium distribution of differently occupied sites, similar to the ones exploited in mixed ferromagnetic system investigations [9].
Key words: ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics, mixed systems, equation of state
PACSIt is well known that short range interparticle interactions play an important role in ferroelectrics (especially in hydrogen bonded ones). So, in order to adequately describe the ferroelectricantiferroelectric mixed systems we should take into account both the short and long range interactions. An effective method was proposed in [2], where the model Hamiltonian includes two subsystems of particles with dipole momenta perpendicular to each other, with short and long range interaction between them and which depend on the probability of occupying each lattice site. In the second order of replica expansion for −βH (β = (kT ) −1 , k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature) the free energy of the system investigated has been obtained. The equations for ferroelectric P = S z , antiferroelectric ξ = S x order parameters and dipole glass g z = S z mi S z m i , g x = S x mi S x m i parameters were found. Here · · · denotes thermal averaging for a given distribution of z-and x-oriented dipole momenta of particles whereas a bar denotes a stochastic averaging over different distributions; m, m denotes the nearest neighbours of particles in i-th size. The obtained phase diagram (the temperature of the corresponding order parameter appearing versus concentration) shows a possibility of different phases occurring: ferro-, antiferro-, paraelectric, dipole glass and some combinations of them.The purpose of the present paper is to perform a continual study of ferroelectric-antiferroelectric mixed system taking into account the interaction processes between both subsys...