In the context of infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are frequently coisolated, particularly in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Within lungs, the two pathogens exhibit a range of competitive and coexisting interactions. In the present study, we explored the impact of S. aureus on the physiology of P. aeruginosa in the context of coexistence. Transcriptomic analyses showed that S. aureus significantly and specifically affects the expression of numerous genes involved in P. aeruginosa carbon and amino acid metabolism. In particular, 65% of the strains presented considerable overexpression of the genes involved in the acetoin catabolic (aco) pathway. We demonstrated that acetoin is (i) produced by clinical S. aureus strains, (ii) detected in sputa from CF patients, and (iii) involved in P. aeruginosa's aco system induction. Furthermore, acetoin is catabolized by P. aeruginosa, a metabolic process that improves the survival of both pathogens by providing a new carbon source for P. aeruginosa and avoiding the toxic accumulation of acetoin on S. aureus. Due to its beneficial effects on both bacteria, acetoin catabolism could testify to the establishment of trophic cooperation between S. aureus and P. aeruginosa in the CF lung environment, thus promoting their persistence. Figure 5: Monitoring of P. aeruginosa growth (A) and acetoin concentration (B) in minimal medium supplemented with acetoin. P. aeruginosa PA2600 WT, ΔacoR and Δaco strains were grown in M63 medium and 1.5mM acetoin was added every 2 hours, indicated by black arrows. A. Cultures were plated on TSA each 2 hours to count bacteria. Points represent the mean bacterial concentration ± SEM from three independent experiments. B. Acetoin was quantified from the supernatant each hour. Points represent the mean acetoin concentration ± SEM from three independent experiments. 9 Figure 6: Monitoring of S. aureus survival (A), P. aeruginosa survival (B) and acetoin concentration (C) during long-term co-culture. S. aureus SA2599 was cultivated in the presence of P. aeruginosa PA2600 WT, ΔacoR and Δaco during 5 days. Cultures were plated at J0, J3 and J5 on MSA and cetrimide to count S. aureus and P. aeruginosa respectively and acetoin was quantified from supernatant. A, B. Survival rate was estimated by dividing the bacterial concentration in co-culture by bacterial concentration in monoculture for each bacterium. Bars represent the mean survival rate + SEM from five independent experiments. *Padj<0.05, ****Padj<0.0001 one-way ANOVA with Dunnett correction (WT vs. condition). C. Acetoin concentration was normalized to S. aureus counts. Bars represent the median acetoin concentration per 10 6 S. aureus ± 95% CI from five independent experiments. *Padj<0.05, **Padj<0.01, Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn's correction.