The kinetic behavior of individual Rh(hkl) nanofacets
coupled in a common reaction system was studied using the apex of
a curved rhodium microcrystal (radius of 0.65 μm) as a model
of a single catalytic particle and field electron microscopy for in
situ imaging of catalytic hydrogen oxidation. Depending on the extent
of interfacet coupling via hydrogen diffusion, different oscillating
reaction modes were observed including highly unusual multifrequential
oscillations: differently oriented nanofacets oscillated with differing
frequencies despite their immediate neighborhood. The transitions
between different modes were induced by variations in the particle
temperature, causing local surface reconstructions, which create locally
protruding atomic rows. These atomic rows modified the coupling strength
between individual nanofacets and caused the transitions between different
oscillating modes. Effects such as entrainment, frequency locking,
and reconstruction-induced collapse of spatial coupling were observed.
To reveal the origin of the different experimentally observed effects,
microkinetic simulations were performed for a network of 105 coupled
oscillators, modeling the individual nanofacets communicating via
hydrogen surface diffusion. The calculated behavior of the oscillators,
the local frequencies, and the varying degree of spatial synchronization
describe the experimental observations well.