Algebraic solving ability had been discussed by many educators and researchers. There exists no definite definition for algebraic solving ability as it can be viewed from different perspectives. In this paper, the nature of algebraic solving ability in terms of algebraic processes that demonstrate the ability in solving algebraic problem is discussed. A theoretical framework of algebraic solving ability was formulated based on three phases of algebraic processes, historical development of algebra and SOLO model (Structured of the Observed Learning Outcome). The three phases of algebraic processes included investigating the pattern by collecting the numerical data, representing and generalizing the pattern into a table and an equation, and interpreting and applying the equation to the related or new situation. There are four levels (unistructural, multistructural, relational and extended abstract) of structure response of SOLO model that had been applied to assess students' algebraic solving ability incorporate two content domains of algebraic equation, namely direct variation and inverse variation.