“… AFRT (Adults Face Recognition Test, Belanvova et al., ); BORB (Birmingham Object Recognition Battery, Humphreys & Riddoch, 1993); BTWF (Before They Were Famous, Russell et al., ); CBT (Change Blindness Test, Smart et al., 2014); CCMT (Cambridge Car Memory Test; Dennett et al., 2011); CFE (Composite Face Effect Robbins & McKone, ); CFMT+ (Cambridge Face Memory Test Long Form; Russell et al., ); CFPT (Cambridge Face Perception Test; Duchaine et al., ); CMT (Crowd Matching Test; Bate et al., ); Ekman 60 (Ekman 60 faces test; Young et al., ); FFRT (Famous Face Recognition Test; Lander et al., ); GFMT (Glasgow Face Matching Test; Burton et al., ); Global Bias Index (Navon, ); IE (Inversion Effect); IFRT (Infant Face Recognition Test, Belanova et al., ) IPIP (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI‐R™; Goldberg, 1998); MFMT (Models Face Matching Test; Dowsett & Burton, ); MMT (Models Matching Test, Bate et al., ); NASA‐TLI (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index Hart & Staveland, ); Old/New UFMT (Old/New Unfamiliar Memory Test, Davis et al., ); SFCT (Spotting Face in a Crowd Test, Davis et al., ); PFPB (Philadelphia Face Perception Battery; Thomas et al., ); PLT (Pixelated Lookalike Test; Robertson et al., ); PMT (Pairs Matching Test; Bate et al., ); RMITE (Reading the Mind in The Eyes; Baron Cohen et al., ); SIAS (Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, Mattick & Clarke, ); SMT (Sequential Matching Task); STAI‐T (State Trait Anxiety Inventory‐ Trait; Spielberger et al., ); WASI (Wechsler abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; Wechsler ); WTAR (Wechsler Test of Adult Reading; Holdnack, ). …”