Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and the Folstein Mini Mental State examination (MMSE) were obtained from 31 patients affected by probable dementia of Alzheimer’s type (DAT). qEEG data were examined both by spectral analysis (Fast Fourier Transformation) and by single frequency band topographical centroid, and compared with those of 24 healthy subjects of the same age group. DAT patients were found to have higher absolute power in the slow (delta and theta) frequency bands. Quantitative topographical assessment showed significantly more anteriorly located centers of gravity for the alpha and beta activity. Only alpha anteriorization was correlated with the degree of cognitive impairment as measured by the global deterioration scale and MMSE. It is concluded that quantitative topographical assessment was successful for the statistical handling of the EEG power maps, and to identify a potential parameter for the functional staging of the disease.