Solid-state NMR methods for recording two-dimensional nitrogen-proton correlation spectra at natural isotopic abundance are presented. There are two isotopes of nitrogen: the spin I = 1 14 N (99.6% natural abundance) and the spin I = 1/2 15 N (0.4% natural abundance). The reduced natural abundance and smaller magnetogyric ratio as compared to 13 C explain the comparative scarcity of nitrogen-proton spectra for 15 N in the literature. While this article describes these few examples of 1 H-15 N and 15 N-1 H experiments, including the first applications of DNP to increase sensitivity, the focus is on 14 N-1 H heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (HMQC) MAS NMR spectroscopy using inverse (i.e., 1 H) detection. Specifically, HMQC can be created following free evolution under heteronuclear through-bond 14 N-1 H J-couplings as well as residual second-order quadrupolar-dipolar couplings that are not removed by MAS or by recoupling of 14 N-1 H dipolar couplings using n = 2 rotary resonance recoupling (R 3 ) or symmetry-based sequences. The quadrupolar interaction for 14 N causes anisotropic broadening and an isotropic second-order quadrupolar shift and affects the optimization of 14 N RF irradiation, for which high 14 N nutation frequencies are important. Fast MAS improves sensitivity by narrowing 1 H resonances and lengthening 1 H coherence lifetimes. The creation of double-quantum or overtone 14 N coherence has the advantage of insensitivity (compared to 14 N single-quantum coherence) to motion and small deviations away from the perfect setting of the magic angle. Applications to supramolecular chemistry and pharmaceuticals are presented; changing the recoupling duration allows longer range N· · ·H proximities to be identified, thus identifying specific intermolecular hydrogen bonding arrangements.